This feature requires Alert 4.0 Revision 2 Build 154 or higher.
The SMPP driver must be configured and connected to the FX30 to work. To help you configure it, please refer to our FAQ Connecting a FX30 modem to ALERT.
1. Alert Configuration :
1.1 Connection to the Alert OPC server :
Right click on "Data server" then "Add a data server...". :
Select the type "Generic OPC" and click on "Source...". :
Stay on "Local station" and click on "..." :
Select Alert.OPCServer.1 then click on "OK" until you return on the Alert interface:
1.2 Add a tag:
Right click on the data server "Alert.OPCServer.1" then "Add a tag..." :
Click on "..." :
Select the variable "Status" located in Root -> Driver -> SMPP then click on "OK":
Click on "Ok" twice then configure the tag according to your needs. The signal is a value between 0 and 5:
Click on "OK" and your tag is ready :