1. What means supported versions:
When a version is supported:
- You can contact our technical support by mail or phone (in case of a valid maintenance contrat).
- The support guy will search the best solution to solve your problem.
- In case of a bug in your version, an update to the most recent version could be proposed.
When a version is no more supported:
1. You have a valid maintenance contrat:
- You can contact our technical support by mail or by phone. We will try to help you to solve your problem without guarantee of success.
- An update (for free) can be proposed to solve your problem. (The assistance for the implementation of the update is NOT include in the maintenance contract and will therefore have a cost).
2. You don't have a valid maintenance contract:
- You can contact our technical support by mail who will process your request with a low priority and without guarantee of success
- An paid update may be offered to solve your problem.
2. Alert Software
Version 4.0 & 4.1:
- All versions 4.0 and 4.1 are today supported.
Version 3.6:
- As of 01/01/2023, only versions 3.6 rev 2 build 10 and more are supported.
- As of 01/01/2024, only versions 3.6 rev 2 build 16 and more are supported.
- As of 01/01/2025, the 3.6 rev 2 version (all build) won't be supported any more.
3. Jericho, NetSentinel and Progtime softwares
The software Jericho, NetSentinel and Progtime are no more supported.