The creation of a BACnet Tag in the ALERT 4.0 configuration can be done in 2 different method. Tags can be created "statically" by declaring them manually in ALERT 4.0 or "dynamically" by defining variable creation rules in the equipment filter configuration.
Declaration of BACnet Tag in static mode:
In order to access the tags of BACnet equipment in ALERT 4.0, do a right-click on the BACnet data server:
Click on "Add a tag...":
Navigate in the tree structure to display the variables associated with the group in the right part:
Select the point to monitor, then click the "OK" button:
Click on “OK” button:
Setup the alarm parameters:
Click on "OK" button to create the tag:
Declaration of BACnet Tag in dynamic mode:
With this method the variables are created automatically when they are triggered in the BACnet equipment.
Right-click on the BACnet device and select "Properties...":
Click on the "Properties" button in the "Data server" window:
In the "Dynamic import filters package" section, the drop-down list indicates the filters present.
Select the "Default" filter and click on "Edit":
Select the "Example (disabled)" entry:
Click on the “Edit” button:
Click on "Filter enabled, if" in the new window:
When receiving data from the BACnet device, if the "EVENTSET" parameter has a value equal to "1", the Tag is created in ALERT 4.0.
Filter settings are described in the following article: Message Processor: Filters Configuration
Click on the "OK" button:
The filters are now active, click on the "OK" button:
Click on the "OK" button:
Click on the "OK" button:
The alarms will be created according to the parameters defined in the filters of the BACnet device.