If equipments are not discovered automatically during the data server add process, it is necessary to modify the network configuration of the BACnet data server.
In order to configure a BACnet network, click on the "Setup" button in the "Add a BACnet device" window:
The "BACnet configuration" window is displayed:
Do a right-click on "Local Network" and choose "Add a network interface":
The "Network interface" window is displayed:
Click on the "Interface" drop-down list
Select the network interface allowing access to the BACnet network:
Configure if necessary the additional options described below:
- BACnet Port:
This parameter defines in hexadecimal format the IP port used by the supervised BACnet devices. The default value is "bac0" (47808).
The "Hex" and "Dec" radio buttons allow you to choose the display format of the port number, respectively hexadecimal or decimal.
- Broadcast enabled :
When this option is selected (default value), the update of the devices present on the network is performed by a "WhoIs" request sent in broadcast.
Uncheck this option if broadcasting is not allowed on the network. In this case, the updating of the devices present on the network is performed by"WhoIs" requests addressed to each of the devices previously detected or added.
- BACnet device ID :
BACnet identifier of the Alert station. This identifier can be used by certain BACnet equipment to send notifications to the Alert station. By default, no BACnet identifier is defined for the Alert station (-1).
- Device Name :
Name of the Alert station associated with its BACnet identifier.
- BBMD :
Select this option to enable the BBMD function (BACnet BroadcastManagement Device) in Alert. When this function is activated, any BACnet broadcast request (Who Is) addressed to Alert from an external network segment will be broadcasted to all devices present on the Alert network segment, the device response (I am) then being returned directly to the sender of the request.
The adjacent field is used to define the maximum routing time in minutes for broadcast exchanges between the Alert network devices and the initiating device on the external network. This time is automatically reactivated with each new BACnet broadcast request from the initiating device. If this time is zero (default value), there is no limit time.
Click on the "OK" button to validate the configuration.
Do a right-click on the network interface created and select "Refresh device tree":
Click on the "Yes" button to update the list of available equipment:
A network discovery is then performed and the list of equipment updated:
Click on the "OK" button to displayed the "Add a BACnet Device" window.
Select the equipment to connect and click on the "OK" button: