Configuration of the driver
Open the Drivers windows (ALERT -> Configuration -> Communication->select tab Drivers).
Double click the AscomOAP4 Driver to open its configuration.
1. Creation of the connection
To define a connection to an Ascom central, double click on the AscomOAP4 Driver or select it in the list and click on the button Properties.
The following windows will appear.
1. Enter the IP address of your Ascom central
2. Change the IP port if your central uses another one.
3. You can configure a backup IP address and its IP port if you have a second Ascom central
4. You can change the IP listening port if you need it.
4. You can select an existing alarm (you must create first in a generic data server). This alarms will be triggered if the link with the Ascom central is broken.
5. Validate with OK.
The configuration of the link with the Ascom central is done.
Other parameters:
- Timeout wait for response: it is the timeout (in second) that ALERT will wait for an answer from the Ascom central. Default value is 15s.
- Timeout to reconnect: it is the time (in second) that ALERT will wait before trying to reconnect to the Ascom central when the connection is lost. Default value is 60s.
2. Creation of the drivers / modes
1. Click on the button Add in the Mode List part.
The following windows appears
1. Enter the name of your driver / mode
2. Check the options that you want
- One call per message : this option means that you will receive one message per alarm on your DECT otherwise ALERT will do a concatenation of all the messages to send.
- Automatic call acknowledgement: When this option is checked if a message is sent correctly to a DECT, then the call is automatically acknowledged. If unchecked, the user must press the ACK button on its DECT to send back a call acknowledgement to Alert.
- Traces in Alert log: when this option is checked, a trace in the eventlog of ALERT is written when the message is sent.
3. Validate with OK.
Other parameters:
- Max number of characters per message: you can define the maximum of characters of a message that the driver can send to the DECT. If a message length is higher that this value, then the message is truncated. Default value is 0. It means there is no limitation
- Clear alarm message on acknowledgement: when this option is checked, then when the alarm is acknowledged in ALERT, the message of this alarm is deleted on each DECT that have received it.
Configuration of the users
Once you have configured the Ascom OAP4 driver, you just to create or modify a user.
1. Click on the button Add
2. Select the driver you just have created in the list.
3. Write the number for this user.
4. Validate with OK.