Text To Speech (Vocal Synthesis) Option
To allow to convert automatically a text message into a vocal message, Alert offers a Text To Speech option. This option avoids previous recording of the vocal messages by synthesizing them automatically from the configured text messages. It also enables you to introduce dynamic contextual values in the vocal messages (values read when an alarm appears). It is:
➢ Useful when you must frequently create and/or modify a great number of vocal messages
➢ Essential for dynamic messages
30 languages and dialects and more than 50 available voices. Check our website for the complete list.
Note: Alert software integrates a vocal server by default. Alert can thus call an operator and announce him verbally the alarms detected on the site. However, the vocal messages corresponding to the different processed alarms must be previously recorded and associated with the corresponding alarms. The use of the vocal server does not require any additional hardware (except vocal modems used for the call).