This dialog box is displayed by selecting the "Programmed Calls..." command from the "Configuration" menu.
List of programmed calls
The list at the top of the page displays the programmed calls for the user selected in the "Users" drop-down list.
If the selection is "(all)", the list shows the programmed calls for all users. In this case it is not possible to create a new programmed call ("Apply" button grayed out).
A programmed call is defined in the list by a line containing:
- The type of call:
(1) for calling at begin of the on-call period,
(2) for calling at end of the on-call period,
(3) for cyclic call,
(4) for periodic call. - The name of the user to be called, possibly followed by the identifier of the specific number to be called (in the form <Id>),
- The period of the call cycle (for cyclic calls) or the day and time of the call (for periodic calls).
To add a programmed call
- Select the appropriate user from the drop-down list.
- Select the type of programmed call: call at begin of the on-call period, call at end of the on-call period, cyclic call or periodic call.
- In the case of a cyclic call, define the period of the call cycle; In the case of a periodic call, select the day of call (a specific day of the week or every day) from the "Every" drop-down list, then set the call time for the selected day.
- Define the message to send (see below).
- Finally click on the "Apply" button.
If you want to assign a specific call number to a programmed call, select the call in the list of programmed calls, click on the "Number..." button, then, in the displayed dialog box, check the "Selected number" option and select the desired call number. The "Programmed number" option selected by default will use the call number in use for the user at the time of the call.
Only one cyclic call can be defined for a given user. However, it is possible to define several periodic calls for the same operator.
To delete a programmed call
Select the call from the list of programmed calls and click on the "Remove" button.
To modify a programmed call
Select the call from the list of programmed calls, change the desired settings and click on the "Apply" button.
Note: If you change the call type or the period of a periodic call, a new programmed call is created.
Call always
This option indicates, when checked, that the call (cyclic or periodic) must be made regardless of the on-call status of the user. If it is not checked, the call will only be made during the on-call periods of the user.
According with the media used to reach each of the recipients, the message can be transmitted in different forms.
Long message
This is a message of up to 512 characters, intended for operators with alphanumeric receivers capable of displaying a relatively long message (email, fax, SMS, ...). The number of characters entered is displayed above the input field. The character set is free. Characters not accepted by a receiver type will be filtered at the time of transmission.
The long message may contain variable fields. To embed in the message the value of a tag of the supervision list, click on the button . Select the desired tag on the main screen. It is possible to select any defined tag, even in another data server. The numeric identifier of the tag is inserted in the edit field of the message at the current position of the cursor, in the form: &(tag Id).
Short message
This is a maximum 32 character message for operators with receivers with low display capacity, often accepting only numeric characters (pagers, beeps, ...). The number of characters entered is displayed on the right side of the input field. The character set is free. Characters not accepted by a receiver type will be filtered at the time of transmission.
Vocal message
Voice message for operators to be called by telephone.
To define a voice message, click on the "Browse..." button to search for a sound file containing a pre-recorded audio message or click on the "Record..." button to directly record the audio message.
The name of the created file is automatically assigned as "MPxxxx.WAV", where "xxxx" is a numeric code from "0000" to "9999". The file is saved in the "MESSAGE" subdirectory of the application data directory.
The "Listen" button lets you listen to the selected or recorded audio message.
Note: When the "text-to-speech" option is available, and if this field is empty, the voice message can be directly synthesized from the long message entered. To test the voice synthesis of the message entered, click on the "Listen" button.
Beeper call enabled
This checkbox allows to validate the call of an operator if it is equipped only with a receiver of type beep.
Text file to send with
A text file can be associated with the message. This file is used for the transmission of additional information by fax or email. It can be defined as a "contextual" file and incorporate the value of tags of the supervision list.
Click on the "Edit" button to directly enter the text to be transmitted. This text is stored in the MESSAGE subdirectory of the application data directory, in the form of a text file whose name is automatically assigned with the format "MCxxxx.TXT", where "xxxx" is a numeric code from "0000" to "9999".
The "Browse" button can be used to search and select an existing text file in the disc's directories.
The transmitted information (long and short message, voice message, text file) can be defined in different languages, the information actually transmitted being automatically selected according to the language of the recipient user.
The list of tabs displayed above the "Long Message" edit field allows you to select the input language for the information to be transmitted. The languages proposed are those that are already used (language of the user interface, languages of the defined users).
To add a language to the list, click on the button to the right of the tabs and select the desired language from the displayed list. To delete a language, click on the same button, select the language to be deleted, then click on the "Mask" button.