The new Alert 4.0 includes many new features.
In addition to a more modern and ergonomic interface, the main new features are:
The concept of a revised and systematized data server, allowing to easily and efficiently manage connections with multiple and varied data sources (OPC, SCADA, BACnet, Modbus, ...).
The concept of scenario introduced to simplify the management of various call cycles and allow future evolution.
The ability to define groupings of data servers, call groups or scenarios for a more synoptic and ergonomic view of the application.
Active Directory management to interface with an LDAP server to secure operator access on ALERT.
A voice server fully configurable by script for processing customized voice calls (incoming and outgoing calls).
Detachable windows to display Alert views (alarms, history, log, ...) on different screens.
Improved processing of data to extract useful information from received data and display an intelligible result (linearization function, unit).
Improved management of plugins with the possibility of detaching the displayed plugin windows (Location, ...).
Advanced tools for sorting and searching lists: searching for a string, filtering on the contents of certain columns.
The ability to easily modify properties of multiple selected variables in a list.
The ability to simply export the contents of a displayed list.
- A true client-server interface, enabling the Alert server to be controlled almost fully through its AlertClient interface.
- A completely redesigned AlertWeb interface
- New connector available
- PCVUE Web Service
- Sauter Vision Center
- Schneider Aveva SmartConnector
- WinCC OA
- Alert integrates an OPC Tunneler to allows connexion to a remote OPC server without doing the DCOM configuration.
- New voice synthesys Vocalizer Expressive.
- A Web Service interface (REST API) is now available.
Alert 4.0 is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.