Many other specific drivers are available for:
- Remote control driver (Ref: TRSII, SIA, SIA-IP, PC-TEXTE, VOCALYS): alarm transmission to supervision center
- Sending of mini-messages to DECT via Alcatel OXE telephone switch (Ref: OXEPAGING), Aastra PABX (Ref: ATAS) or Ericsson (Ref: ERIC-CTI) or ASCOM devices (Ref.: ASCOM)
- Alarms display on Cisco IP phone (Ref: Cisco-XML)
- Sending XML messages to an ixArma web server (Ref: IXARMAXML) or any ESPA-X compliant hardware (Ref: ESPA-X)
- Sending of alarm traps to SNMP managers (Ref: SNMPTRAP)
- Vocal messages broadcast (alarm and service messages) on a public address system through the TCP/IP network (Ref: Exstreamer)
- Sending vocal and text messages on walky-talkies (ref: HFI)
- Clip-WIT driver (ref: CLIP-WIT)