To establish a communication between ALERT and OPC UA server the following prerequisite are necessary:
1. Network prerequisite:
The communication between ALERT and OPC UA server is done through the network. It should be set to:
- ALERT and the OPC UA server must communicate together on the network
- The Specified TCP port into the OPC UA url must be opened on all Firewalls present between ALERT and OPC UA server.
Example : If the URL is like "opc.tcp://OPC_UA_SERVER:51510/UA/DemoServer", TCP port 51510 must be opened on all Firewalls present between ALERT and OPC UA server.
ALERT can manage an unlimited number of OPC UA servers.
2. OPC UA server prerequisite:
2.1 Connection parameters:
To connect ALERT to an OPC UA server, it must manage the following connection parameter:
- Transport mode: UA-TCP / UA-SC / UA-Binary
- Security Policy: None / Basic128Rsa15 / Basic256 / Basic256Sha256
- User identification: Anonymous / UserName
- Self signed certificat management
2.2. Managed Tags:
ALERT can read the following kinf of Tags:
Boolean / Byte / SByte / UInt16 / Int16 / UInt32 / Int32 / Float / Double / array / String / ByteString in single mode.
3. Managed data by ALERT :
3.1. Read of Accessory information Tags parameters:
Accessory information Tags parameters managed by ALERT:
- Data Quality
- server timestamp
3.2. Writing parameter management and variation monitor:
Writing parameter management is "Safe Write" Type and the variation monitor is "DataChange Subscriber" type.