This article describes how to configure ALERT to use a FX30 modem.
Sierra Wireless FX30 modems, are LTE connected devices. A SIM card must be purchased at a mobile network provider. FX30 modems offer as well an IP interface (RJ45 connector).
ALERT can connect to the FX30 through IP to send SMS and to place voice calls.
To connect ALERT to the modem, we first need to check the prerequisites, then insert the SIM card, plug the power supply, and connect the network on the RJ45 connector. Then the IP address should be defined and the PIN code should be entered. Hereafter ALERT can be setup to connect to the modem through a SMPP link and a SIP link.
Then we can edit the modem default parameters and configure the watchdog to control the connection between ALERT and the FX30.
From 1.0.7 version of the FX30, an application supervises the data connection. If a connection is established, the application stop it and can send a SMS to warn about the connection.
The ALERT software must be installed. During the setup, the SiwiUpdate tools should have been selected for installation. This tool (version minimum) is mandatory for the FX30 modem configuration.
A standard SIM card is mandatory to connect the FX30 to the cellular network.
On the LAN, an IP address must be reserved for the FX30. The routes between ALERT and the FX30 must be opened : TCP ports 22 (SSH), TCP 2775 (SMPP) and UDP 5060 (SIP), UDP 4000-4010 (RTP) from ALERT to the modem.
Note: The SMS only FX30 version uses the 8888 as the SMPP default port.
Minimum Alert version
For the SMS only FX30, the minimum Alert version is the 4.0 Revision 2 build 86, the version 4.0 Rev 2 Build 238 or more is recommended.
The voice FX30 version needs the 4.0 Rev 2 Build 238 and more.
For compatibility with oldest version (3.6 rev 2), please contact us.
Insert SIM card
Firs use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the cover.
Orient the SIM card, as shown in next figure. The gold contacts on the SIM card face
Gently slide the SIM card into the slot until it clicks into place.
To remove the SIM card, press it in, and release it. Gently grip the SIM card and pull it
Reattach the cover.
Connect the FX30
Before connecting a power supply, connect the cellular antenna on "CELL". The "GNSS" connector is used for location (Global Navigation Satellite Systems).
Then connect the modem to the IP network with the RJ45 connector.
Finally, connect the power. (Power supply is provided).
There are two led on the device: power LED and user LED.
The Power LED can be:
- Off: No power or input voltage ≥ 32 VDC or ≤ 4.75 VDC
- Solid Red: Gateway is powered on, not attached to cellular network.
- Solid Amber: Attached to cellular network.
Modem configuration: IP address and PIN code
The factory default IP address is:
The SiwiUpdate tool (download) will be used to set a new IP address and to enter the PIN code.
Set IP address
Start the SiwiUpdate tool on a machine which can connect to the FX30 though IP link on the default IP address (
Once started, connect the tool to the modem. The connection is an IP connection using SSH. Enter the requested parameters in the "Legato SSH" group. (See capture below. FYW: Legato is the Sierra Wireless framework name used for embedded application)s.
The password is the modem IMEI.
Once connected, the "Modem properties" tab shows all the modem information.
The IP address can be set in the "Network connection" tab.
Enter the new IP address and the network mask. Then press "Set".
The next picture illustrates a successful address change to "".
After this change, the device should be restarted. The tool displays this warning dialog box:
A "Reboot" button can be found on the "Modem properties" screen.
Store the PIN code
This action can be done in the "Network connection" tab. The PIN code is stored in the modem memory and will be automatically applied on each modem start.
The following screenshot shows a successful PIN code setup. In case of failure, the error would have been displayed (A wrong PIN code for example).
Once all those configurations done, you can setup ALERT for using the FX30.
ALERT configuration
Before starting ALERT configuration, let's have a look on the default FX30 parameters. We can use those information during ALERT setup.
Default FX30 parameters
The "Applications config" tab of the SiwiUpdate tool displays all the device parameters. This screen can be used to modify the parameters.
In our case we will keep the default values for configuring ALERT.
SMPP driver
To send SMS with the FX30, ALERT uses the SMPP protocol.
The users defined in ALERT need to use the SMPP driver. Let's configure it with the modem default parameters.
The only information to set will be entered in the SMPP driver "Connection" tab: enter the FX30 IP address and the IP port (2775 by default). See next screenshots.
Once validated by pressing "OK" ALERT should connect to the FX30 SMPP server.
The ALERT users configured with the SMPP driver can then send SMS. Next picture shows the configuration.
SIP Configuration
To place voice calls though the FX30, ALERT uses the SIP protocol. We first need to create a SIP connection in ALERT. This can be done in the "Configuration/Communication..." menu. Then select the "SIP connection" tab.
Let's add a new connection:
Next picture shows the SIP connection configuration box. All the parameters are the default parameters for the FX30 SIP server at
Once the SIP connection is configured, a new SIP port must be added in the "Ports" tab of the communications configuration box.
Next screenshot shows the ALERT SIP port configuration for a port using the SIP connection we've just defined. The ports accepts the incoming connections. This is done by adding "*" in the called number list.
To complete the configuration, add an ALERT user with the "Vocal" driver as follows:
Alarm service configuration
The FX30 module offers an alarm service. This service can notify users when internal alarms are triggered. This service is used by the SMPP server for the watchdog feature, and by the connection supervisor (from version 1.0.7).
Each alarm is defined with:
- A name
- A description depending of the alarm context
- A scenario for notification
Those 3 informations cannot be changed. They are defined by the application.
The scenario contains:
- A message to send.
- The message sent will be a combination of the message (&M), the scenario name (&N), the alarm name (&A) and the alarm context (&U). The format describes the combination.
- A SMS recipient phone number list.
- The number of message repeat for each recipient.
- The time to wait between each SMS repeat.
The scenario parameters can be set through the SiwiUpdate "Application config" tab. Currently, the "watchdog" scenario is used by the SMPP service and the "Dataconnection" scenario is used by the datacnxService.
In the next array, the XXX is the scenario name. SiwiUpdate displays the parameters for each scenario.
Option | Type | Value | Description |
alarmScenario.XXX.message | string | link issue | Text message for the scenario (&M in the format) |
alarmScenario.XXX.format | string | &N &M &A | The SMS format |
alarmScenario.XXX.address | string | +336xxxx-+32yyyyy | Recipient phone number list, separated by "-". Max. 511 char. |
alarmScenario.XXX.repeat | int | 3 | Number of SMS repeat (after the initial SMS) |
alarmScenario.XXX.repeatdelaysec | int | 30 | Delay in sec between each repeat. |
Let's see the available alarms for each application.
SMPP watchdog
This feature (active by default) controls the link between ALERT and the FX30.
The SMPP server uses the alarm service for 2 alarms:
- "ServerStopped" which is triggered on SMPP server stop. The alarm context description is always "SMPP server stopped"
- "x.x.x.x" alarm which is the concerned SMPP client IP address (ALERT IP address). The context description can be either "Disconnection" on ALERT disconnection or "Enquirelink timeout" when ALERT hasn't sent the Enquire link for smppServer.restart.enquireLinkTimeout seconds. (See the SMPP service parameters)
The 2 alarms use the "Watchdog" scenario for notification.
In the following example, on link failure, the modem will send a SMS to the two configured numbers.
The applied scenario when the link failure is detected can be modified.
Connection alarm
- "cnxServerStopped" triggered when the datacnxService is stopped. The context description is always "No more cnx supervision"
- "Connected" which is set when a connection attempt is detected. The context description is "Data connection is UP, trying to stop it"
Both alarms use the "DataConnection" scenario for notification. The scenario can be modified as seen for the watchdog.
SMPP service parameters
Option | Type | Value | Description |
smppServer.editor | string | Micromedia | Do not modify |
smppServer.restart.listeningIPPort | int | 2775 | The SMPP listening port |
smppServer.restart.useSSL | bool | false | true if the connection need to be secured |
smppServer.restart.enquireLinkTimeout | int | 60 |
Live bit timeout (in sec).
If modified, the new value will be taken into account after a new client connection
smppServer.restart.clientStopAlarmDelay | int | 30 |
Delay (in sec) before triggering SMPP client stop alarm. (When ALERT is stopped)
smppServer.restart.serverStopAlarmDelay | int | 30 | Delay (in sec) before triggering SMPP service stop alarm. |
smppServer.needLogin | bool | false |
true if a login and password are required
smppServer.userName | string | Requested login if "needLogin" option is true | |
smppServer.password | string | Password associated to "userName" (9 char maximum) | |
smppServer.WDactive | bool | true |
true if the FX30 triggers an alarm on SMPP issue.
3 kind of alarms: client disconnected, live bit timeout, and SMPP server stop.
SIP server parameters
Option | Type | Valeur | Description |
sipServer.restart.listeningIPPort | int | 5060 | The modem SIP listening port |
sipServer.restart.transport | string | udp | The protocol for the SIP connection (Possible values: : udp or tcp) |
sipServer.restart.localAddress | string | "" | IP address of the network interface used for the connection. If empty, the eth0 interface will be used. |
sipServer.restart.pjsipLogLevel | int | 3 | PJSIP library trace level. |
sipServer.restart.RTPStartPort | int | 4000 | First RTP listening port. This port and the port+1 port (RTCP protocol) are mandatory. They must be reacheable (UDP ports) |
sipServer.restart.allowedUser | string | alertuser | The only user allowed to register on the SIP server. Must be set in the UA uri. |
sipServer.restart.needAuthentication | bool | true | true if an authentication is requested for registration. |
sipServer.restart.authLogin | string | alert | Authentication login |
sipServer.restart.authPwd | string | changeit | Authentication password |
sipServer.maxCalls | int | 1 | Number of possible simultaneous calls (1 is the only accepted value) |
sipServer.maxCallDuration | int | 0 | Maximum call duration in seconds (0 for no limit) |
All options whose name contains "restart" need a restart of the application before using new value.
Connection supervision parameters
In the SiwiUpdate tool "Applications config" tab, different options are available:
Option | Type | Valeur | Description |
dataCnx.editor | string | Micromedia | Do not modify |
dataCnx.alarmNotification | bool | false | Set it to true when an alarm must be sent on connection detection |
dataCnx.alarmDelay | int | 5 | Delay (in sec) before triggering the connection alarm |