This AckAlarmSMS script allows the treatment of different SMS received by the modem
1. Acknowledgement of an alarm by its OID
Format of the SMS: <Ack alarm String><AlarmOid>
- Ack alarm String : String that identify a request of alarm's acknowledgement
- AlarmOid : Id of the alarm to ack
This command allows the acknowledgement of the alarm with OID AlarmOID.
If the option Check User Alarm Access is set to 1, the script check that the user has access to the alarm to acknowledge it.
2. Acknowledgment of all the alarms
Format of the SMS: <Ack. all alarms string>
- Ack. all alarms string : String that identify a request for all alarm's acknowledgement
This command allows the acknowledgement of all the alarms.
If the option Check User Alarm Access is set to 1, the script check that the user has access to the alarms to acknowledge them and only the alarms for the user are acknowledged.
3. Mask of an alarm
Format of the SMS: <Mask Tag string><Alarm OID><Mask Tag Separator><Number of Hour>
- Mask Tag string : key that identify a request of mask
- Alarm OID: Id of the alarm to mask
- Mask Tag Separator : Separator of number of Hour for masking
- Number of Hour : number of hour that you want mask the alarm. If the value is 0, the alarm is masked without delay.
This command allows masking the alarm with OID Alarm OID.
You can define in the option Max Masking Hour, the max hour that the user can define in its SMS. If the value is 0 there is no limit.
The option Allow Infinite Mask allows a masking without time limit (value 0)
4. Setting a value
Format of the SMS: <SetTag String><Reference/OID><Value Separator><Value>
- SetTag String : key that identify a request of set value
- Reference/OID: Reference or Oid of the tag into you want change the value
- Value Separator: Separator for the value
- Value : value to write in the tag
This command allows setting a value into the tag with OID OID.
By default you need to send the OID (in string) of the tag that you want write. Then according to the 2 options SetValue by Ref and SetValue by Name, you can use the reference or the name of the tag.
5. Getting a value
Format of the SMS: <GetTag Value string><Reference/OID>
- GetTag Value string : key that identify a request of get value
- Reference/OID : Reference or Oid of the tag that you want the value
This command allows getting the value of the tag with OID OID.
By default you need to send the OID (in string) of the tag that you want read. Then according to the 2 options GetValue by Ref and GetValue by Name, you can use the reference or the name of the tag.
You can write in the option Error Getting Value Message the message that you want to send back to the user in case of problem.
6. Activation / deactivation of a user
Format of the SMS: the key that is in the variable User Activation or User Disactivation
This command allows the activation or deactivation of a user.
This functionality works only if the option Manage User Activation is set to 1.