CD210615 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 16
- Communication : serial ports management optimization to avoid freeze.
- Communication : fix CSQ reception during AT command procesing.
- Redundancy : fix link removal issue after tag deletion.
AppServer mediator (version
- Fix error list issue.
- Fix value update for tags with same id.
- Fix memory leak issue.
- Add automatic reconnection for tags in error.
- Fix notification issue with big configurations.
- Change the logs directory.
- Add traces.
OPC mediator (version
- Traces: add ability to write many files.
iFix mediator (version
- Add traces.
Email driver (version
- Add utf-16 be and utf-16 le encoding management
- Fix bufer release issue which could cause sending message on wrong user.
EspaX driver (version
- Add traces.
Clip driver (version
- Fix issues with new Easy modules
- Fix possible crash on frame reception
Spectralink driver (version
- Fix pattern issue on ini file change.
- Fix call lock when 2 users have the same number.
- Message sending duration optimization.
- Fix crash.
- Add ring pattern.
- Add delay between messages.
- Add reconnection period.
- Add traces.
Gsm driver (version
- Fix crash (on invalid PDU reception).
Mail.sco script object (version
- Fix memory leak.
- Add utf-16 be and utf-16 le encoding management
FTPClient.sco script object (version
- Fix memory leak.
SNMPObj.sco script object (version
- Fix memory leak.
Alert.sco script object (version
- Add new functions SetAlarmClientRef et GetAlarmClientRef.
- Modification function CreateTag to add a parameter to get the OID of the created tag
CD200902 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 15
- Fix save and load of big XML files (both are now done by part).
- Gsm vocal watchdog: fix conflict when sending SMS.
- Communication Fix modem reception buffer size (crash with Semaphon driver).
Message processor (version
- ODBC Object: Increase read buffer size.
- ODBC Object: Fix random crash.
Cimplicity mediator (version
- Add the Cimplicity 11 compatibility.
Semaphon driver (version
- Fix reception issue (when flag = 0 is set)
AscomIP driver (version
- Fix crash.
AscomOAP4 driver (version
- Fix subscription isuse.
EspaX driver (version
- Fix redundancy switch issue.
Exchange driver (version
- Add the TLS 1.2 management (Exchange 2019 compatibility).
Exstreamer driver (version
- Add network interface selection feature. Used for multicast play.
Spectralink driver (version
- Add LW alarm with pollin process.
- Update documentation.
Gsm driver (version
- Fix long SMS decoding crashes.
VoIP driver (version
- Fix infinite loop when register retry was set to 0.
Alert.sco script object (version
- Fix random crash on script start.
- Fix crash on wrong type use in the CreateObject function (integer instead of string for the station name).
CD200106 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 14
- Database export Fix memory leaks.
- Redundancy: The redundancy watchdog is deactivated during remote configuration opening.
- OPC server: Fixed wrong socket port status.
Message Processor (version
- FILE object: Fixed crash on writing large string.
- ODBC object: Optimization to prevent crashes.
OPC mediator (version
- Fixing OPC link failure at ALERT launching.
Bacnet mediator (version
- Add compatibility for devices with a null identifier.
Advantech driver(version
- Fix the driver name change witch caused link failure.
AscomOAP4 driver (version
- Fix message reception management.
EspaX driver (version
- Add a dataserver management feature to switch in a redundant configuration.
- This version contains the fix of the redundancy switch behavior.
SNMPTrap driver (version
- Add the demonstration mode compatibility.
Spectralink driver (version
- Fix importation.
- Add tear off action.
- Add a message queue.
- Fix DECT rename
Gsm driver (version
- Fix ini file saving issue.
- Add traces.
SMPP driver (version
- Fix the automatic reconnection to the server issue.
- Fix the automatic call acknowledgement option synchronization.
OXEPaging driver (version
- Fix the automatic call acknowledgement option synchronization.
HFI driver(version
- Add the GPS location management.
- Fix the automatic call acknowledgement option synchronization.
Yeastar driver (version
- Add 2 gateways management.
SNMP.sco script object(version
- New function SetLogFile to log traps in a binary format.
Mail.sco script object(version
- Add ESMTP servers compatibility.
CD190708 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 12
- GSM modem: New feature: a load balance for the GSM modem when sending SMS. When the option "GsmLoadBalance" is active, Alert will use the GSM ressource circularly. With this option active, all the GSM modem will be used whatever the GSM provider. The relief mechanism remains unchanged.
- GSM modem: Fixed issue when forcing the GSM operator. (Ticket 16825)
- GUI: Fixed german translations.
- GUI: Fixed login password field limited on Windows 10.
- COM port: Improve AT command answer process.
- OPC and aliases: Fixed mask and ack identifier use.
- Call cycle: Fixed issue of no programmed call at on-call begining.
- Call cycle: The "Timeout before restarting the cycle when an alarm is not acknowledged (Minutes)" can have a maximum value of 9999.
- GSM-SMS: Fixed issue of SMS not deleted properly.
- Redundancy: Fixed issue on the user substitution schedule synchronization. (Ticket 19821)
- Redundancy: Fixed crash on Alert closure.
- Export database: Add the MySQL 8 compalibility.
Message Processor (version
- Filters behavior for action list: When the filter action list is empty, the tag action list is not modified. Else, the filter result changes the tag action list.
Mediator Citect (version
- Filters behavior for action list: When the filter action list is empty, the tag action list is not modified. Else, the filter result changes the tag action list.
Mediator Cimplicity (version
- Fixed Cimplicity 10 login issue.
OPC Mediator (version
- Filters behavior for action list: When the filter action list is empty, the tag action list is not modified. Else, the filter result changes the tag action list.
Bacnet Mediator (version
- Filters behavior for action list: When the filter action list is empty, the tag action list is not modified. Else, the filter result changes the tag action list.
iFix Mediator (version
- Fixed mask/unmask issue.
- Add traces.
- Add the possibility of login.
Wizcon Mediator (version
- Filters behavior for action list: When the filter action list is empty, the tag action list is not modified. Else, the filter result changes the tag action list.
- Add trim for filter variable
Driver Beep (version
- Fixed issue when no remote pick-up.
Driver Email (version
- Fix not processed incoming emails (text/html content).
Driver VoIP (version
- Fixed: refused incoming calls (Ticket 19718)
- Fixed GUI: trace button added for us and de GUI.
Driver AscomOAP4 (version
- Improve the communication format with the script.
- Only one dataserver used.
Driver AscomIP atOAP.exe (version
- Fixed the XML encoding issue (when using < or > in messages).
Driver Espa444 (version
- Fixed save/restore configuration issues.
- Fixed the systematic com error when not configured as control station.
Driver EspaX (version
- Update of the french and english dialog boxes.
- Redundancy re-connection issue fixed.
- Add traces.
- Officially Heartbeat handling improved, internaly Heartbeat handling added reconnection handling adapted to try it always, just set attempts to 0.
- Retry to call if a call failed.
Driver Spectralink (version
- Add log.
- Manage the message mode from GUI.
- Fixed network connection issue.
- Fixed device list issue.
- Add DECT device import feature.
- Fixed HTTPS connection issue.
- Modification for the LWP management.
- Add pre-alarm parameter.
Driver Gsm (version
- Fixing issue of missing character in AlertMobile SMS concatenation.
- Fixed the not deleted messages issue. All stored messages are now deleted.
- Add traces.
Driver Exchange (version
- Add proxy management.
Driver HFI (version
- Fixed beacon low battery alarm not set after editing driver properties. (Ticket 20132)
Driver AastraOmXML (version
- Fixing issue of impossible connection to the OMM redundant
Object script Alert.sco (version
- Fixed help issue.
Object script Mail.sco (version
- Fix not processed incoming emails (text/html content).
CD181212 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 11
- Alarm history: Fixed issue on the statistic view. When using the export database, the list was empty.
- Compatibility (3.4 - 3.5): The InterfaceCompatibility option in the alert.ini file is now read only.
- Configuration save/restore: Fixed external files saved in the wrong directory.
- AlertClient: Fixed OPC separator management.
- Event log: The client, server and redundancy socket connection traces can be added or removed by using the TraceSocket option of the Alert.ini file
- Message processor New option TimeToCloseScript (Alert.ini) modifies the closure management to give time to cleanly close the scripts
Message Processor (version
- Fixed ODBC crashes.
- Added new option to initiate TCP SSL connections.
- New option TimeToCloseScript (Alert.ini) modifies the closure management to give time to cleanly close the scripts
Mediator Citect (version
- Fixed connection issue.
Mediator Cimplicity (version
- Fixed crash when importing tags with the text file.
OPC Mediator (version
- Improved memory management to avoid DA crashes.
Driver Yeastar (version
- Added TG200 support.
- Added reconnection timeout.
Driver Email (version
- SMTP server: Fixed port change issue.
Driver VoIP (version
- Internal alarm: The internal alarm was not set on registration failure. When using a SIP proxy, the alarm was never set.
Driver AscomOAP4 (version
- Accept different subscriptions.
- New trace management.
- Add documentation.
- Modification to manage the subscription and the DECT watchdog
Driver EspaX (version
- Re connection issue of slave fixed in redundancy.
Driver Spectralink (version
- Change the condition for the DeviceAlarm function.
Driver AlertDrv (version
- Fixed tag synchronization issue. The tag was not synhronized when no alarmgroup defined on it.
Driver AlertMobileWifi (version
- New ini option to set the message format. (The driver can now send the short message on AlertMobile watch).
Driver AdvBioDaq (version
- New ini option to set trace file size.
Driver AscomIP (version
- Fixed Alert lock issue.
Object script Alert.sco (version
- Fixed crash in case of syntax error on ExecuteCommand function.
Object script FTPClient.sco (version
- Function FindFileName: New parameter to do recursive search or not.
Object script SNMPObj.sco (version
- Fixed long trap initialization issue.
CD180807 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 10
- Scheduled Calls: Fixed issue updating instruction files attached to a scheduled call (ticket 17702).
- Scheduled Calls: You must now define at least one long, short or audio message. The long message is no longer required if a short or audio message is defined.
- Vocal guide: Fixed issue of vocal guide played before the messages (ticket 16298).
- Modem GSM: Default selection of the Micromedia Pack 3G model.
- Modem GSM: Added 230 400 baud speed for compatibility with the Micromedia Pack 3G model.
- Modem GSM: Fix the issue of notification to the DDE/OPC server of a defective SIM card.
- Modem GSM: Added compatibility with the Telit chipset.
- Sending SMS: Fixed the issue of call failure when two SMS are sent at the same time with two modems, one of which is in default.
- Sockets: Fixed issue with simultaneous use of drivers using socket ports and virtual ports.
- Sockets: Fixed memory loss problem on connection failure of a virtual port.
- Sockets: Added traces.
- SSL: fixed advanced property management problem (security).
- Call acknowledgment: The SMS acknowledgment of a call transmitted to an operator by another medium is now taken into account.
- Archiving audio files: Limit to 5000 files max regardless of the archiving duration configured.
- Local alarm: Fix local broadcast issue with repetition of audio messages + name of alarm group.
- API: Fixed problem reading a date from a previous year.
- AlertMobile : Fixed problem of alarm refresh on the mobile when in the list of the phone numbers of an operator an SMS driver is defined before the AlertMobile driver.
- Event printer: fixed a random crash.
Message Processor (version
- New function "EncodeURL" to encode a URL.
- File management with or without BOM (Binary Order Mark).
- Filters: Fixed Regression build 8 (functional groups and actions in quotation marks).
- Filters: Fixed the problem of deleting the action list when an action is not defined in the filter (ticket 17909).
Médiateur OPC (version
- Fix problem of disconnection of all OPC connections on disconnection of an OPC server.
Mediator AppServer (version
- Added SP2017 compatibility.
- Added option "Show errors in the Alert log".
Mediator Cimplicity (version
- Added compatibility Cimplicity 10.
Mediator Citect (version
- Fix problem of project selection when 2 projects have the same prefix.
- Fixed connection problem with Citect 2016 when launched in service mode.
Mediator iFix (version
- Fixed crash after masking an alarm.
- Added configuration of polling period for acknowledgment status and masking of alarms (5 seconds by default).
- Added traces.
Mediator Wizcon (version
- Fixed random crash when the option to use the import filter is checked.
- Filters: Fixed the problem of deleting the action list when an action is not defined in the filter (ticket 17909).
- Added traces.
Driver Email (version
- Added new functionality for sending SMS: if the address field does not contain the "@" character, the string defined in the "DomainTo" parameter is added to the address.
- POP3: adding a wait timeout option for the server response.
Driver Exchange (version
- Fixed problem saving the option "Delete after reading".
Driver Spectralink (version
- New driver for sending messages on DECT Spectralink, management of call acknowledgments and alarms, management of PTI alarms transmitted by the DECT.
Driver Yeastar (version
- New driver for sending and receiving SMS via the Yeastar IP / GSM gateway (note: this gateway also allows you to manage voice calls via the SIP driver).
Driver AscomIP (version
- Fixed random crashes.
- Added traces.
Driver AscomOAP4 (version
- Fixed call acknowledgment problem.
- Added traces.
Driver Espa444 (version
- Fixed the problem of switching to "master" mode after receiving a message (ticket 18188).
- Fixed problem of initialization of the function "ReceiveFromScript".
Driver BeepDrv (version
- Added tempo option between 2 DTMF (ini file).
- Fixed problem of traces.
Driver GSM (version.
- Improved management of multi-SMS messages.
Driver SIA-IP (version
- Fixed problem handling multiple sub-drivers configured on the same IP connection.
- Correction Regression version (the cyclic test did not work anymore).
- Fixed crash when the server identifier is not defined in the "address" field of the call number.
Driver VoIP (version
- Modification management of the max communication time (counted from the establishment of the connection).
- Added new option for rejecting incoming calls.
- Improved alarm processing on connection error.
- New option "KeepAlive Period"
- Added configuration of traces.
Driver SMPP (version
- Added AlertMobile management via SMPP.
- Fixed problem processing of long multi-SMS messages.
Driver HFI (version
- Added new option to reset the location when the equipment is stopped.
- Added a feature for importing equipment and beacons.
Driver Shoretel (version
- New basic management.
- Add option to ignore the default of the base station.
- Added traces.
CD171109 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 8
- Vocal synthesis: Integration of the latest version of the Nuance voice synthesis engine (Vocalizer Expressive).
- Localization: Added possibility to insert in the format of localization of the message, the vertical and horizontal precision, the altitude and the date of localization.
- Operators: Fixed issue when putting an operator off duty. At the launch of Alert, an off duty operator was scheduled on duty.
- Alarm: Fixed issue of automatic acknowledgment of a transmitted alarm call (ticket 15792).
- Alarm: Fixed issue initializing the parameters of the event condition INFVAR and SUPVAR.
- Alarm group: Fixed issue creating redundant alarm groups (ticket 16167).
- Redundancy: Fixed issue of synchronization of variables types created by script.
- Maintenance log: Fixed refresh issue.
- Maintenance log: Fixed redundancy maintenance log synchronization issue (ticket 16354).
- Database: Fixed issue of dialog box blocking in case of an initialization error of the connection with the database.
- Database: Fixed history issue in the database.
- Call history Fixed date issue in call history (UTC time instead of local time).
- OPC Server : Fixed issue updating link status.
- OPC server : Fixed issue updating status of call groups (ticket 14888).
- OPC client : Fixed issue reconnecting with an offline server .
- API : Added SSL option for socket connections.
- API : Fixed socket disconnect issues.
- API : Added ability to choose the language of the message in the GetAttribute function of the ALARM_MESSAGE attribute
Message Processor (version
- Filters: Fixed issue processing alarm groups on several levels.
- Updated online help and functions documentation.
OPC Mediator (version
- OPC AE: added new attributes for the filters.
Importation Mediator (version
- Added an option to read the file from a specific line of the file (ticket 15376).
- Added possibility to import an alarm in a specific station with a call group defined as multi-station.
BACnet Mediator (version
- Added automatic network discovery option.
- Added exploration of equipments on subnets.
- Added functions of spacing and masking of BACnet equipment.
- Fixed issue of initialization of the BACnet network scan
- Fixed search issue of BACnet variables having the same radical (XXX1 and XXX19 for example).
- Added and improved traces.
Cimplicity Mediator (version
- Added selection version Cimplicity 9.5
- Added option "TimeoutCimlinkStart" to set the waiting timeout of the launch of Cimlink.
Driver Email (Version
- Added SSL option SMTP server.
Driver Exchange (Version
- Fixed automatic discovery issue (Autodiscovery).
- Improved email processing.
- Added traces.
Driver GSM (Version
- Fixed issue recovering "Call acknowledged" configuration of the driver. The configuration of the call acknowledgment for the alarms in the GSM driver is now used as the default value for the configuration of the call acknowledgment for an operator call number.
Driver SMPP (Version
- Added AlertMobile Accounting.
- Changed the default encoding format (ANSI by default).
- Modification of the configuration operator interface.
- Added SSL options.
- Added option to save received messages.
- Added option to process a single message per call.
- Fixed issue processing of acknowledgment.
- Fixed log message issue: "COMx Smpp: Connection to server established ".
- Fixed issue of the configuration box when pressing the button "SMPP default".
- Fixed crash when closing ALERT.
- Updated online help.
Driver HFI (Version
- Added management of RFID location.
- New option to trigger the link failure alarm on the first disconnection of the module.
- New option to transmit an RTP stream without generating an explicit call (call generated automatically by the base to the default group).
- Improved management of traces.
- Updated of the documentation.
Driver SIA-IP (Version
- Added option to send a single message per TCP/IP transaction.
Driver ESPAX (Version
- In addition to connecting to telephony systems, the ESPA-X driver can now send messages to other ESPA-X alarm servers.
- Assign priority zones in ALERT to the ESPA-X priority definition.
- If ALERT is installed in redundant mode and there is only one ESPA-X Server, only the active ALERT station connects to the ESPA-X Server, reducing network traffic.
Driver AscomOAP4 (Version
- Added header <OAP-response> or <OAP-request> the frame sent to the script.
- Modified the reception processing of a message (return of the response code 'OK' before transmitting the message to the script).
- Added possibility to send a message from a script.
- Fixed issue saving timeout waiting response request.
- Fixed issue of transmission of the Id in the answers.
- Fixed issue displaying message in the wrong language.
- Fixed issue removing drivers or sub drivers.
- Fixed call issue .
- Corrected operator interface flaws.
- Added option for profile management according to the priority of the alarm.
Driver AstraOmXml (Version
- Added option to subscribe to location notifications (default setting).
- Change the default alarm priority ("High" -> "Emergency").
- Fixed issue handling the reception of a frame transmitted several times.
- Fixed issue initializing variables.
- Fixed incompatibility issue with OM XML version 7.
- Change the identifier of the basic driver (2100 -> 2200).
- Change the time transmitted in local time.
- Improved handling of message transmission error reports.
- Improved the traces.
Driver AstraATAS (Version
- Added option to send a single message per call.
- Improved management of message sending (reduction of sending time from 3s to 1s).
- Added error message in case of timeout on HBC command .
- Improved the traces.
Driver Shoretel (Version
- New driver for sending text messages on DECT and Shoretel desk phones.
Driver WinPrinter (Version
- Added an option to set a waiting time before printing.
- Modification to reduce the time of printing on a line printer.
Driver AlertDrv (Version
- Fixed issue of synchronization with multi-station call groups (ticket 15779).
Object script Alert.sco (version
- Added function "GetAlarmMessage".
- "EnumObject" function: new type of filtering for alarms.
- "EnumObject" function: new type of filtering for alarms.
Object Mail.sco (version
- Fixed SSL issue.
CD170214 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 7
- Call cycle: Fixed unwarned users despite listening to the message. (Ticket 14502).
- Redundancy: Fixed crash during reports synchronization
- Drivers : Fixed application freeze when deleting a sub-driver.
- Link: Fixed OPC AE issues.
Message Processor (version
- Added MKDIR function for creating directories.
- Fixed problem with unicode sync characters (API interface scripts only).
- Filters: Fixed management of the functional groups.
- XML Object: Fixed crashes related to using the GetField and GetAttribute functions to read times with the GMT parameter.
Mediator BacNet (version
- Added support for multiple IP addresses on a single network adapter.
Mediator OPC (version
- Fixed management of OPC AE aliases.
Driver EspaX (version
- Alarm priority transmission during calls.
- Fixed timeout parameter.
- Optimization of the processing of multiple alarms.
Driver SMPP (version
- Optimization of the link loss alarm with the server.
- Added Dynamic Trace Activation.
- Added help file in chm.
Driver Exchange (version
- New option to accept all certificates.
- Compatibility Server Exchange 2013 SP1.
Driver AscomIP (version
- Display of a warning if the IP address of the central can not be registered in the Windows registry.
Driver AscomOAP4 (version
- Added receipt of messages by script.
- Optimization of subscriptions.
- New option to send messages in XML to the script.
- Fixed freeze when deleting a sub-driver.
- Added an alarm if the link to the central is lost.
- Added a reconnection timeout with the central .
Driver SNMPTrap (version
- Supports multiple network adapters.
Driver VoIP (Version
- Fixed 100% CPU when Windows socket fail.
Object script Alert.sco (version
- Fixed GetAlarmState: The return value was 6 if the alarm was not active, even if the tag existed. (Ticket 15082).
- Fixed SetSchedule: The changes were not taken into account correctly. (Ticket 14636)
Object script Ping.sco (version
- Compatibility Windows XP SP3.
Object script LogViewObj.sco (version
- Added the menu to the Trace window.
CD161019 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 6
- Call cycle: Correction to take into account automatic call acknowledgement.
- Masking: The operator access rights are now respected.
- API: Added ability to read the dynamic priority of alarms.
Message Processor (version
- Fixed regression (Rev 2 3.6 Build 4) when using macros.
- Fixed issue with expressions.
Mediator Wizcon (version
- Fixed regression (Rev 2 3.6 Build 4) when using macros.
- Fixed issue with expressions.
Mediator Citect (version
- Fixed regression (Rev 2 3.6 Build 4) when using macros.
- Fixed issue with expressions.
Mediator OPC (version
- Fixed regression (Rev 2 3.6 Build 4) when using macros.
li>Fixed issue with expressions.
- Added traces in the mediator with automatic backup
Mediator BacNet (version
- Fixed regression (Rev 2 3.6 Build 4) when using macros.
- Fixed issue with expressions.
Mediator AppServer (version
- Fixed issue with expressions.
Driver ModBus (version
- Fixed connection problem in initialization. (Ticket 14591)
Object script Alert.sco (version
- Corrected functions SetSchedule, SetAlarm and AckAlarm for the timestamp parameter
- Added ability to read the dynamic priority of alarms.
- Patch Create Tag: The creation of the OPC variable was conducted in Other instead of being carried out in the desired Data Server. (Ticket 14669)
- Patch GetAlarmState: Masked alarms were not properly reported (value 3 instead of 4). (Ticket 14638)
Object script Ping.sco (version
- Fixed random crashes.
CD160906 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 5
- Call cycle: Fixed memory loss for alarms performing call operator actions.
- AlertClient : Optimized automatic connections on servers.
AppServer mediator(version
- Fixed memory leak problem
- Fixed compatibility problem with ArchestrA 2014R2SP1
- Fixed GUI problem in German and Spanish
- Added option to unsynchronize incoming values. (update period can be configured)
Message processor(version
- Improve variable management on closure.
AscomIP Driver (version
- Fixed crash.
OXEPaging Driver (Version
- Added traces.
Alert.sco script object(version
- New feature: can get the current dataserver status.
Ping.sco script object(version
- Fixed crash when resetting the script.
CD160804 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 4
- Alert as a service: Integrated management of UAC (User Account Control) to elevate user rights if necessary when installing / uninstalling and starting / stopping the service.
- Modem: Added modem filter treatment on detection of low CTS signal.
- Modem: Fixed modem reset issue after disconnection in V21 mode, V22 or V23.
- Modem: Forcing hardware flow control on selection GSM modem.
- Redundancy: Fixed alarm values synchronization problem.
- Redundancy: Fixed ping-pong problem on the value of alarms.
- Redundancy: Fixed issue of call acknowledgment from the display of redundancy calls (regression build 3).
- Redundancy: Fixed synchronization problem of redundancy group names (full path not transmitted).
- Database: Fixed crash on long trace recordings.
- Sockets: Fixed blocking on socket disconnection (issue MODBUS).
- Alarms: Fixed random crash on alarm acknowledgment (ticket 14418).
- Alarms: Fixed issue acknowledgment temporary alarms.
- Call cycle: Fixed attempts counter issue when multiple calls are required to transmit all alarms.
- Stations: Fixed update schedule issue at the station synchronization.
- Stations: Added option to start synchronization of the stations from the client machine.
- Plugins: Fixed bugs and optimized plugins notifications (issue selection of a large number of tags).
- AlertClient: Teamviewer management from the client.
- AlertClient: On alarm activation, AlertClient window is restored only if the operator logged on the client has the right to access the alarm activated.
- AlertClient: Fixed crash.
- Traces: Added timestamp value changes in the trace.
- Traces: Added the port name used in the driver traces.
- Backup: Added driver options in the backup file (.abf).
- API: Added filter on data server (function GetXML).
- API: Fixed problem reading the journal by the GetXML function when the requested log is empty.
- AlertWeb: Fixed crash when a line of more than 512 characters was requested by AlertWEB (13750 ticket).
Message Processor Mediator (version
- Optimization of expressions processing.
- Fixed calculation issue of certain expressions containing nested parentheses.
- Fixed crash on calculation expression with zero modulo.
Mediator OPC (version
- Added possibility to activate traces for a specific OPC server.
Mediator BACnet (version
- Added status of equipment in the list of detected devices (red cross on faulty equipment).
- Added option to filter low-level traces.
- Changed handling of item names to accept names with a dot ('.'), The point being used as a property separator.
- Improved handling of filters to include in the expressions of not transmitted by notifications properties.
- Improved traces.
- Added backup of the "Overwrite Properties" option (update properties for the dynamic import).
- Fixed issue with backup of create tags option on refresh notifications.
- Added configuration of the separator device name.
- Fixed processing of the property "Notification Class".
Mediator Citect (version
- Fixed issue message update dynamically.
- Fixed initialization issue tags handles.
- Fixed issue empty path if project manually entered.
- Added option "AlwayRefreshDesc" to retrieve the message from Citect dynamically and not in memory.
- Added traces.
Mediator Importation text (version
- Fixed issue initialization options "Transitory" and "reactivable" (they were set to 1 by default).
Driver AlertDrv (version
- Fixed disconnection issue before sending all messages.
Driver AscomIP (Version
- Fixed issue of crash or freeze when an alarm is acknowledged during a call.
Driver Exchange (Version
- Added a new logon procedure by domain / user account.
Driver OXEPaging (Version
- Added option to use the long message instead of the short message.
- Added option to automatically connect the CSTA link after a maximum time of communication.
- Added the trace configuration dialog box.
- Improved OXEPaging logs in the Alert Log.
- Fixed memory loss.
Driver Script (Version
- Fixed crash during call (ticket 14208).
- Validation timeout settings during modem connection.
Driver SIA-IP (Version
- Fixed handling of CRC transmitted in binary in the received frames.
Driver SmppDrv (Version
- Fixed crash when clicking on the "SMPP server" button (in US only).
Driver VoIP (Version
- Added ability to define the name of the "User Agent".
Object script Alert.sco (version
- Fixed possible crashes on calling functions in a script with bad types of settings.
- Changed the "Set Alarm" function to accept a numeric value and allow the value 0 to set the current time as the alarm time.
Object script Ping.sco (version
- Added ping object to perform PING type queries in a script and manage the responses of devices connected to the network.
CD160321 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 3
- Alert as a service: It's not necessary for the software to have been started as an administrator to switch to service mode or stop/start the service. When administrator rights are required (Install/uninstall the service, starting/stopping service), the system will ask for the administrator password automatically.
- Modems: Added the definition of the reset period of a faulty modem in the modem. This value can be set in the "Alert.ini" file, entry "TimeTest" of the port concerned. If this entry is not set, -1 is default, meaning that the period defined in the dial settings will be used for the port concerned
- Modem GSM: Added control of the GSM operator defined in the selected driver to send an SMS: the modem configured for this operator will be given priority.
- Modem GSM: Fixed a random initialization of the modem when the modem interface is defined auto Format (Text / UDP), resulting in the failure of the first call made.
- Modem GSM vocal: The call internal phone numbers is no longer allowed from a vocal GSM modem. To allow the call to an external number from a short vocal GSM modem, this number should be defined with the prefix '>'.
- Modem GSM vocal :The WatchDog function now allows Alert to restart without sending an Watchdog SMS.
- Tags: Fixed a wrong analysis of tag type to add (OPC/Other).
- Tags: Fixed a tag type change problem (double/string) when an tag is hidden from the API.
- Vocal synthesis: Fixed a random crash on receiving numerous alarms with vocal synthesis alarm messages.
- User Interface: Fixed crash on moving an operator in a group.
- User Interface: Fixed a date display issue and alarm time (universal time conversion problem / local time).
- User Interface: New feature: expanding/collapsing a treeview and simultaneously pressing the 'Ctrl' key causes the expansion or collapse of all sub-branches.
- Call schedule: Fixed call schedule sync issue with client machines when the rights of the logged operator are limited.
- Sockets: Fixed a possible random freeze issue due to disconnection of an incoming TCP/IP connection.
- AlertClient: Fixed script definition issue on receipt of an alarm from a client machine.
- AlertClient: Fixed client sync issue in a Terminal Server environment..
- AlertClient: Fixed random crash on derogation or edition of the parameters of a team.
- Plugins: Fixed a display synchronization problem of the localization plugin while alarm group is being selected in Alert.
- Plugins: Added traces when loading plugins.
- AlertMobile: Added notification of AlertMobile plugin when the caller is an AlertMobile operator.
Message Processor (version
- Adding processing files in UTF8.
BACnet mediator (version
- Fixed issue of accidental acknowledgment of alarms of a BACnet equipment when restoring link with this equipment.
- When the BACnet mediator is unloaded (supervision options), BACnet data servers can now be deleted.
- Fixed issues importing and adding BACnet tags.
Citect mediator (version
- Fixed link problem with Citect Version 7.50
- Added traces.
Wizcon mediator (version
- Fixed alarm handling problem by BACnet sent by Control Maestro.
Driver GSM (Version
- Added control of the GSM operator defined in the selected driver to send an SMS: the modem configured for this operator will be given priority.
- Fixed a random initialization of the modem when the modem interface is defined auto Format (Text / UDP), resulting in the failure of the first call made.
- Fixed message sending issue to a wrong destination when multiple GSM drivers are defined.
- Fixed the display issue of the operator's name who acknowledged a call.
- Added management SMS class 0 and flash SMS.
Driver VoIP (version
- Alarm on loss of connection with the PBX: This alarm can now be triggered at startup if the SIP registration fails.
- Incoming calls: ability to use "dial pattern" (Asterisk syntax) to process the numbers of the caller and the callee.
- Added in the URL trace called when the maximum communication time is reached.
Driver Email (Version
- Add backup/restore template files in the Alert configuration backup file (.abf).
- Managing SSL/TLS: Added new options to correct certificate problems.
- SSL sockets: Fixed connection problems on SMTP servers.
Driver Exchange (version
- Added option to select the type of the message body (plain text or HTML).
Driver Modbus (version
- New global option to set the maximum number of words to read in a request (1-125).
Driver SIA-IP (version
- Possibility to set the link control period to 0 to remove the serial link check.
- Resetting the link control period after each alarm transmission to prevent unnecessary link checks.
- Fixed the issue of dual transmission of alarm resets on very short alarms.
- Ability to define an empty IP address for the central receiving station to disable the link to that station.
- Fixed regression when formatting messages transmitted in SIA protcol when short messages defined in Alert does not contain an alphanumeric header.
- Modified message management for better handling of IP connection errors.
- Processing time stamping of alarms at the source.
- Fixed repeated messages issue after network connections.
- Added management of alarm acknowledgement to prevent the transmission of acknowledgement alarm messages.
- Fixed transmission message deadlock issue during socket disconnection before taking into account the message by the driver.
Driver Espa444 (version
- Fixed issue receipt processing of a frame "EOT ENQ 1" or "2 EOT ENQ".
- Added option to stop polling Espa when the Alert station is not active (redundant stations).
Driver AastraOmXML (version
- Fixed crash on a manual acknowledgement.
Driver SHELL (Version
- Increased the size of the message to 1024 characters.
Driver HFI (Version
- Added online help (in French).
Script object Mail.sco (version
- Added function 'SendHtmlMail' to send email in HTML format.
CD151116 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 2
- Increased max size of the input field "Long Message" (256 -> 1024 characters) and "Short Message" (32 -> 128 characters).
- Removed space at the end of first and last name of an operator.
- Changed default of a semaphore to detect that an instance of Alert is running.
- Fixed processing issue of files having lines longer than 1024 characters (during import, for example).
- Fixed polling issue close / start on station level an superior: the Modbus polling was not resumed.
- Fixed display issue of the status of data servers.
- Fixed CPU load issue when many call groups are defined.
- Fixed automatic acknowledgement of alarms issue: an alarm can be automatically acknowledged only if the concerned group is warned.
- Fixed schedule issue when plugins are used.
- Fixed initialization issue of string variables.
- Modem communication: fixed recurring error 87 with Moxa.
- Modem communication: fixed timeout issue on the ATZ command with Moxa box set to classic TX mode.
Message Processor mediator (version
- Message synch: Added options to delete sync channels at beginning and end of the message to be processed by the script.
- Prototypes IP: Fixed bug in IP reception (truncated message on return of RECEIVEFROM function).
- Filters: Fixed crash when the length of a condition string exceeds 512
- Fonction DateTime: Format can now display milliseconds.
OPC mediator (version
- OPC AE: Fixed problem of confusion between "computer" and "alias"; old OPC AE configurations with remote connections were modified by replacing the name of the remote computer by an alias.
- OPC AE (Filters): Fixed crash when the length of a condition string exceeds 512.
BACnet mediator (version
- Compatibility with last BACnet stack InneaSoft (correct the problem of "workstation device id" null (= 0).
- Added timeout configuration detection of connected equipment.
- Added parameter to delay the subscription of data and events on connected equipment.
- Fixed issue of backup XML configuration of detected equipment (big file problem).
- Added traces.
Citect mediator (version
- Fixed refresh issue of inactive but acknownledged alarms.
- Fixed bug on masking of an alarm with mask synch Alert <-> Citect.
- Filtres: Fixed crash when the length of a condition string exceeds 512.
Wizcon mediator (version
- Fixed issue of API Alarms (Com error) using identical ID as an normal alarm.
- Added possibility to wait for message ENDOPEN at launch to start to process alarms (option in m_wizcon.ini file).
- Filtres: Fixed crash when the length of a condition string exceeds 512..
Driver Email (Version
- New functionality: possibility to insert short message in object of service messages.
- New option: possibility to transmit the message header to the script.
- Secure transmission (SSL): fixed issue SSL/SARTLS in Windows 10.
- Secure transmission (SSL): fixed issue pop SSL with Yahoo.
Driver GSM (Version
- New functionality: possibility to insert short message in object of service messages.
- Fixed crash when receiving an SMS (format PDU) with a sender number containing non-numeric characters.
Driver Exchange (version
- Fixed issue on receipt email with exchange version
- r to Exchange 2013.
Driver SMPP (version
- Fixed crash on message receipt.
Driver AastraOmXML (version
- added new le subscription: on alarm trigger (AlarmTrigger)
- Using the pop-up option for send messages with high priority if the alarm is active.
Driver VoIP (version
- New functionality: Sending instant messages (SIMPLE).
Driver SIA-IP (version
- Added option to keep the open TCP / IP connection.
- Adding control to avoid establishing multiple connections to the same server.
Driver Mini-Messages (version
- New option: ability to select the type of protocol used B (B1, B2 or B3) in the file "minimes.ini"
Driver SCRIPT (version
- Fixed crash loading the driver.
Driver AlertMobileWifi (Version
- Added traces.
Driver Espa444 (version
- New option: Added option "polling timeout waiting" for the slave stations (not control stations).
Driver HFI (Version
- Added analogue radio transmission management.
- Added messages repeat option for analog systems.
- Modification to choose alarm acknowledgement instead of call acknowledgement.
- New option for the analog voice mode: the user can acknowledge the last listened alarm by transmitting the acknowledgment code.
CD150812 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2 build 1
- Alarm masking: It is now possible to modify the date and time of a masked alarm.
- Group derogation: Fixed issue of the journal trace not showing up in some cases.
- Configuration save: Added backup of database options and plugins.
- Configuration save: Fixed crash when there is more space on the disk for backup.
- Configuration restore: Fixed possible crashes on opening a new configuration.
- Communication ports: Receiving SMS is now enabled by default. The acknowledgment of an SMS is preconfigured to "OK" by default.
- Communication ports: The number of exchange recording files is now limited to 30 by default.
- Communication ports: Correction d'un problème de blocage lors de la diffusion d'un fichier vocal long (régression rev.1 build 26).
- Localisation: Changed the size of the identifier and the name of beacons (256 characters).
- Localisation: Changing the XML generation of the list of beacons (when the attribute "time" is not defined, it is removed).
- Plugins: Fixed crash problem on the opening of a wrong version of the plugin.
- Help: Added support for configuring the "watchdog" function of the GSM modem.
Mediator Message Processor (version
- Added property "DeviceManagement" in a prototype file of a script to allow the management of equipment in the data server defined in the prototype.
- Filters: Added the property "data server" in order to assign created variables to different data servers.
Driver GSM (Version
- Fixed localization issue with negative latitudes and longitudes.
Driver Email (Version
- Added mail servers settings.
Driver AscomIP (Version
- Changed the maximum size of the name of the recipient of a message (256 characters).
- Fixed deadlock issue when the Ascom server is down.
Driver SIA-IP (version
- Added timeout setting to manage IP connection defects.
- Extension of the list of proposed SIA codes. Removal of verification of SIA codes (all codes are accepted).
- Fix issue of periodic link control.
Driver Alcatel (Version
- Corrected issue sending messages even when the alarm was acknowledged.
- Added traces.
Driver HFI (Version
- Integration with localization plugin.
- Added management of the time of passage next to a beacon.
Driver Extreamer (Version
- Changed the maximum size of the name of the recipient of a message (256 characters).
Driver Fax (Version
- Changed the maximum size of the name of the recipient of a message (256 characters).
Driver AastraATAS (Version
- Changed the maximum size of the name of the recipient of a message (256 characters).
- Fixed issue of not sending deleted alarms.
- Fixed issue of identical identifier for different alarms.
Driver AlertDrv (Version
- Changed the maximum size of the name of the recipient of a message (256 characters).
Driver AlertMobileWifi (Version
- backup of the mobile list after changing the subscription list.
Driver AlertMobileApple (Version
- backup of the mobile list after changing the subscription list.
Driver AlertMobileAndroid (Version
- backup of the mobile list after changing the subscription list.
CD150527 |
ALERT 3.6 rev 2
- Location plugin: Major update of the location plugin with the integrated management of onsite plans and management of localization beacons.
- Watchdog GSM: Added management of the "Watchdog" functionality of the Micromedia vocal GSM modem (Version 1.1.5). This feature allows the modem to control if ALERT is functioning properly and automatically send an SMS to a mobile number (previously configured from ALERT) in case Alert stops functioning.
- Communication Ports: Improved management of the communication ports and corrected issues that could occur in specific configurations.
- Communication Ports: Fixed issue when sending faxes from a remote IP communication port (Moxa).
- Communication Ports: Fixed display issues in the line monitor.
- Communication Ports: Added an option in the Alert.ini file to set the buffer size of the Windows communication driver (to remedy a blocking issue with some GSM modems).
- Communication Ports: Fixed deletion issue of received SMS.
- Communication Ports: Fixed US Robotics modem interface regression (timeout on ATZ).
- Watchdog OPC server: Suspension of cyclic writing to the server if the server polling is stopped or if the link to the server is faulty.
- Data servers: Empty data servers (containing no tags) or attached to a masked driver are no longer deleted at software startup.
- Data servers: Fixed a display issue of the status of redundant data servers (control of the status of local tags of the redundant server).
- Data servers: Fixed update issue of the status of a device attached to the data server (Modbus, BACnet ...) when reconnecting the equipment.
- Call management: Fixed operator call issue on a preselected media.
- Call management: Fixed counting issue of the number of call attempts.
- Save/Opening configuration: Added option "Plugins" in the data selection filter to back up or restore.
- Save/Opening configuration: Added option "Database" in the data selection filter to back up or restore.
- Creation/Opening configuration: Fixed issue of not reseting the OPC interface when creating or opening a new configuration.
- OPC connection: Removal of the connection to the OPC AE servers if no OPC server is in polling.
- Calls on reset and acknowledgement: Calls on reset and alarm acknowledgment are now checked by default (general call options).
- ALERT as a service: Fixed detection issue of when an ALERT instance is running.
- ALERT as a service: Disabled startup of ALERT when an ALERT instance is already running.
- Redundancy: Fixed scheduled calls synchronization issue (scheduled calls were always synchronized, regardless of the associated synchronization option).
- Redundancy: Fixed synchronization issue of the order of the data displayed in lists.
- Windows access rights: If the access rights of the user launching ALERT do not permit writing in the software's directory, a message warns the user that it cannot launch the software.
- Database export: Added the short message in the definition of variable table (column "ShortMessage").
- ALERT Client: Added option to create a backup of the ALERT server configuration from an ALERT client.
- API: Added ability to transmit a SQL query to the ALERT database via the AlertGetXML function of the API (OBJECT_DATABASE).
- API: Fixed update issue of the modification date when transmitting a schedule via the AlertSetXML function.
- API: Fixed issue processing the ASCII encoding/Unicode strings passed to the message from the PLC processor or a driver.
- Online help: use the same help file on Alert and AlertClient.
- Traces: Improved traces of socket connection and virtual ports.
- Traces: Added "Alarms" option for the display of traces associated with the management of alarms.
- Traces: Added traces on communication ports management.
Mediator Message Processor (version
- Authorize configuration of certain prototype properties (address and IP port, ...) without the "Edit Message Processor" license.
- Added label for the description of tag parameters. When the label is defined for a parameter, it replaces the name in the parameter list.
- Modification of the default synchronization string (empty string rather than <CR>) for prototype of type serial or IP or type API/Command Line.
- Added Help file management for the configuration and operation of a prototype of the Message Processor ("Info" button).
- Fixed a random crash on socket disconnection.
- Scripts: Changed dialog box selection management of a function in scripts. The dialog box is now non-modal and can thus remain displayed as user guide of functions. The selection of a function in a script automatically selects the function in the dialog box. The insertion of a function in the script is no longer automatic after closing the dialog box. It must be explicitly requested ("Insert" button).
- Scripts: Fixed search issue in a table of numeric values by the Find methods and FindIndex.
- Scripts: Fixed comment issue at the end line after some instructions.
- Scripts: Created new functions to manage tables. Added operator interface for the use of functions of tables management .
- Scripts: Fixed possible crash on misuse of tables in scripts.
- Scripts: Fixed sync string processing issue at the end of a frame. Please note that the end sync string is now no longer transmitted in the string to be processed (as was already the case for the start sync string).
- Filters: Added properties "Status Alarm" and "Status Confirmation" in order to define the state of the alarm and its acknowledgment in the filter.
- Filters: Added management of conditional macros.
- Filters: Added the "SELECT" function in the definition of an expression to convert a numeric or alphanumeric code in a string from the contents of a text file (csv type).
- Filters: Changed treatment of the "Location" property. The property now accepts an XML format for defining the location.
- Filters: The location property is now always updated on alarm reception, regardless the state of the "update properties" option.
Mediator OPC (version
- OPC DA: Fixed issue reconnecting to a remote OPC server after a loss of network connection.
- OPC AE: Added an alias name in the definition of OPC AE servers to enable the management of redundant OPC AE servers.
- OPC AE: Fixed backup issue of the configuration of an OPC AE filter when changing only the categories / conditions to filter.
- Filters (OPC AE): Added properties "Alarm Status" and "acknowledgment Status" in order to define the state of the alarm and its acknowledgment in the filter.
- Filters (OPC AE): Added management of conditional macros.
- Filters (OPC AE): Added the "SELECT" function in the definition of an expression to convert a numeric or alphanumeric code in a string from the contents of a text file (csv type).
- Filters (OPC AE): Changed treatment of the "Location" property. The property now accepts an XML format for defining the location.
- Filters (OPC AE): The location property is now always updated on alarm reception, regardless the state of the "update properties" option.
Mediator Text Importation (version
- Fixed call definition of several groups for an alarm issue (call options were not taken into account).
- Added the "SELECT" function in the definition of an expression to convert a numeric or alphanumeric code in a string from the contents of a text file (csv type).
Mediator PCVUE (version
- Fixed connection issue when using the dialog box "links" to restore links with the supervisor.
- Fixed regression reading varexp.dat file when it contains a large number of alarms (all are not shown).
- Added alphabetical sorting of lists in the Import dialog box.
MediatMediator BACnet (version
- Filters: Added management of conditional macros.
- Filters: Added the "SELECT" function in the definition of an expression to convert a numeric or alphanumeric code in a string from the contents of a text file (csv type).
- Filters: Changed treatment of the "Location" property. The property now accepts an XML format for defining the location.
- Filters: The location property is now always updated on alarm reception, regardless the state of the "update properties" option.
Mediator Citect (version
- Filters: Added management of conditional macros.
- Filters: Added the "SELECT" function in the definition of an expression to convert a numeric or alphanumeric code in a string from the contents of a text file (csv type).
- Filters: Changed treatment of the "Location" property. The property now accepts an XML format for defining the location.
- Filters: The location property is now always updated on alarm reception, regardless the state of the "update properties" option.
Mediator Wizcon (version
- Validation with Control Maestro 2015.
- Filters: Added management of conditional macros.
- Filters: Added the "SELECT" function in the definition of an expression to convert a numeric or alphanumeric code in a string from the contents of a text file (csv type).
- Filters: Changed treatment of the "Location" property. The property now accepts an XML format for defining the location.
- Filters: The location property is now always updated on alarm reception, regardless the state of the "update properties" option.
Mediator WinCC (version
- Validation with WinCC version 7.3.
Mediator Cimplicity (version 2.9)
- Validation with Cimplicity version 9.
Mediator AppServer (version
- Fixed database read issue for large galaxies (import)
- Fixed identification issue with attribute ackMsg
- Added adjustable trace levels in the file m_appserver.ini
Driver VoIP (version
- Changed the treatment of text messages acknowledgement transmitted. The call is acknowledged when the phone is picked up.
Driver Exchange (version
- Fixed crash when closing Alert.
Driver Espa444 (version
- Fixed display issue of error reporting in case of no reply (NAK displayed instead of TIMEOUT).
- Fixed issue of erroneous call acknowledgement on receipt of a call status from another device.
Driver AscomIP (version
- Fixed timeout issue on sending several messages shifted in time.
- Improved traces.
Driver OXEPaging (version
- Fixed issue of non Alert notification on reconnection
Driver Alcatel (Version
- Possibility to use the same port in UDP mode (option "SamePort" in the "Alcatel.ini" file).
Driver SMPP (version
- Bug fixes and some improvements and optimizations.
- Added ability to disable the SMPP server mode.
- Support different formats for processing receipts.
- Validation of the call when all messages were sent (in case of communication breakdown, pending messages are deleted).
- Added traces.
Driver AastraOmXML (version
- Added ability to manage sub-drivers.
- Modified processing of receipts.
Driver AastraATAS (version
- Adding selection of a script to execute on frame reception.
Driver SIA-IP (version
- Changed socket management to control connection from the driver.
- Added binary CRC management option (2 bytes).
- Added ability to code the partition number in the short message in Contact ID protocol.
- Fixed issue opening the trace file.
Driver SIA (version
- Added management of SIA connection on IP socket.
- Added ability to code the partition number in the short message in Contact ID protocol.
- Fixed bug in Contact ID.
Driver AscomOAP4 (version
New driver for the transmission of text messages on compatible equipment with Ascom OAP 4 interface.