To record voice messages, you have two options:
1. With a microphone
Click on a variable and display its properties. Proceed with the recording by clicking on "Save" and speak into the microphone. You can then listen to it, start again, etc...
2. By phone
To do this, you must have enabled the option "Record messages by telephone" (Configuration > Record messages by telephone). Then Call Alert (or have it call you) then after you have logged in, hit "1" on the telephone keypad. Speak after the first beep. After a few seconds of silence you hear a second beep: Your message is temporarily saved. By hitting "2" on your phone, you can replay your message. Be careful, your message will be permanently recorded in Alert after hitting "3" on the phone. You will then have to assign this message to your alarm by displaying its properties and selecting the sound file with the "Browse" button in the "Vocal Message" filed.