You software starts in demo mode, there can be several causes:
- The dongle is not or not correclty plugged in.
- The driver of the dongle is not installed (in this case you need to fetch the driver in the Alert installation DVD / USB Key in the folder Sentinel.
- If the drivers are correctly installed, check that you have administrator rights on your computer because it means that Alert has failed to register its license in the registry.
- The key is faulty: In that case the Alert installation DVD / USB Key contains a utility called KeyDiag.exe that reads the dongle and checks if it works. If the dongle is OK there will be a software code and a message that says "No errors" (Pas d'erreur). If another error message appears, make a screenshot and send it to us.
- The dongle was inserted into the USB port BEFORE installing ALERT. In this case, Windows has installed its own drivers that prevent access to the ALERT dongle.
Follow the procedure below to reinstall the appropriate drivers:
1) Connect the dongle
2) Uninstall the drivers for the dongle: Sentinel Protection Installer 7.5.8 (editor SafeNet, Inc.).
3) Uninstall the Windows drivers associated with the dongle (Start -> Control Panel -> Device Manager on -> Bus Controller USB -> USB device associated with the key
4) Remove the dongle
5) Restart the machine
6) Install from the Micromedia International DVD / USB Key, only the dongle drivers (Protection key drivers)
7) Insert the dongle
8) Launch the Micromedia software, the dongle is now recognized.
IMPORTANT: You must remove the dongle before reinstalling the driver
Windows 7 or more:
- it is possible that the dongle is not seen at first startup: restart the PC and it should correct the problem.
- registering the lic file might not go well (can not write in the registry), you must change the access level in Alert.exe "compatibility " tab and tick the checkbox "Run this program as administrator".