CAUTION: To do this, Alert must be able to write information to the registry. In version 3.6 rev 2 (or less) it must therefore be executed from an administrator session. Additionally, from Windows Vista, you must start the Alert software by performing a privilege elevation request (right-click the executable, Run as administrator). In version 4.0 (or more) it isn't necessary, the privilege elevation will be requested during the registration.
Copy the ".lic" file that we have sent you via email in "C:\ProgramData\Micromedia\Alert\License".
Launch Alert as administrator.
In Alert open About Alert under Help (If your Alert is in demo mode it will automatically open on launch):
Click on Register.
Find the ".lic" file corresponding to the number found in About Alert (in our example 1811264276600413).
Click open
You should now see all the options included in your licence in About Alert.
In our example here is what it looks like:
The license has been registered.
Complete the registration process by clicking OK.