Proxy configuration with no registration
With this architecture, ALERT no longer needs to know the IP addresses of the phones. The
proxy, if it is an IPBX, will generally manage telephone number vs. IP address
User record configuration is thus simplified; only their phone number needs to be specified.
With this type of installation, the uri's are all of type: sip:username@realm, where the realm
field is the domain name (usually the address of the proxy or the name of the machine) and
the username field is a phone number.
In this case, all calls go through the proxy. From the PBX point of view, Alert acts as a SIP
In this configuration, you can use the Caller Name Identification to send text messages on SIP
SIP driver
In this properties box, the proxy field needs to be filled in.
The uri of the user can, as in the following example, be a phone number.
The uri format is: “Displayed name”<sip:name@domain>
User record
The configuration of the user record is made much simpler. All the addresses having the same
proxy, ALERT offers the possibility to specify the full uri, just like the setup without proxy or
only the phone number.
In this case: sip:1010@ or simply 1010.
Usage example
This is the type of setup to use with the Cisco CallManager. The CallManager is the proxy.
The table of correspondence between telephone numbers and IP addresses is managed by the
ALERT must also have a phone number if operators want to contact the voice server
This configuration also corresponds to the use of the MV-310 VoIP gateway / GSM. In this
case, the proxy is the gateway and ALERT can then only call via this gateway.