The driver can be configured from its property window which can be found in Configuration/Communication under the Drivers tab.
Select the driver "VoIP Driver (SIP)" and click "Properties". The driver property window will appear.
There is a tab for each option category
As we can see in the above screenshot, this tab contains the necessary settings to configure a connection adapted to your telephony. Depending on the type of technology you are using, three different configuration may have to be used:
Setup without proxy
Setup with proxy, without registration (Registar)
Setup with registration
These three configurations will be detailed in following sections.
Two proxy addresses can be added. The safe credentials will be used for both proxies.
If your IPBX is set to be ask for registration, Alert will switch to the secondary proxy if the connection to the primary proxy is lost. If your proxy does not require registration, Alert will switch to the secondary proxy when the main proxy fails to answer its requests (408, request timeout).
If your IPBX does not support quotation marks in Caller Name Identification, you may disable the option "Use quotation marks for the display name"
Connection Tab
This tab allows you to configure the IP connection used for SIP calls.
You can choose the communication protocol and IP address that should be used.
You can also choose which network interface card Alert should use for calls.
Alert Tab
These options allow you to dictate how your IPBX should interact with Alert.
- The maximum simultaneous calls number should be used if the IPBX limits the
simultaneous calls. (The Alert license limits this number as well). - Check the trace in Alert log option to display the sent messages in the Alert event
log. - Use the Max call time to limit the SIP channel use if necessary.
- You can choose here the vocal management. The called users can be connected to the
- Alert vocal server, or the driver can play a vocal message (vocal beep) or do nothing.
This option is used with the next one, to send text messages. - With this option Alert can use the Caller Name Identification service (If the PBX
and/or the phone accepts it) to display either the caller name or the alarm message.
(Long or short message). This cannot be used when SIP driver is registered. In that
case, the IPBX manage the CNI. - This option offers an instant messaging feature. Before using it, the vocal feature must
be deactivated. When Instant Messaging is selected, the SIMPLE protocol is used.
Then the “Instant Messaging” group is active. - The Sender Name field (Instant Messaging) set the message sender friendly name
- The Call acknowledgement string (Instant Messaging) is the string we are waiting for
call acknowledgement. - When the Automatic call acknowledgement option is selected, the call is
acknowledged as the message is deposit on the server. - The Alarm to set when IPBX link is broken option set an internal alarm (to be
defined previously) which will be set when the link is down. (Register failed,
impossible calls …)
Advanced Tab
Here are the advanced driver properties.