In this configuration, ALERT calls SIP phones or softphones directly.
Since there is no intermediary (proxy or PBX) for routing calls, ALERT must know the IP
addresses of each device.
SIP driver
To configure the driver, here is an example of an installation without a proxy.
For SIP transporting, the values to indicate are the default values of the SIP protocol. The IP
address to choose is the one of the machine on the network where the devices to contact are
located. The same address will be used by the devices to call ALERT
The uri of the user matches the call number of ALERT which is dialed from the SIP phones.
The uri format is: “Displayed name”<sip:name@domain>
User record
Regarding the setting of on call operators: For the number to call, you must indicate the
complete sip address (uri) of the correspondent.
The port is optional if you use the default sip port: 5060.
Usage examples
This type of configuration is used for small installations or for testing. The SIP equipment is
not managed centrally.
This configuration also allows you to have a softphone on the same machine as ALERT.
In this case, you need to set the port number to, for example 5080, to transport sip for ALERT
and 5060 for the softphone. Both programs will then be able to coexist.
Alert will call address sip:username@
The softphone will call ALERT using sip:alert@