Rulesets allow the user to specify "search-and-replace" rules for certain strings in the input text. Whereas user dictionaries only support search and replace functionality for literal strings that are complete words or tagged multi-word fragments, rulesets support any search pattern that can be expressed using regular expressions (e.g. multiple words, part of a word).
The rulesets are applied before any other text normalization is performed, including user dictionary lookup.
The details of how the text normalization can be tuned via user rulesets are described in the next section.
A ruleset is basically a collection of rules; each rule specifies a “search pattern” and the corresponding “replacement spec”.
The syntax and semantics of the “search pattern” and the “replacement spec” match those of the regular expression library that is used, being PCRE v5.0 which corresponds with the syntax and semantics of Perl 5. For the Perl 5 regular expression syntax, please refer to the Perl regular expressions main page at For a description of PCRE, a free regular expression library, see
More details on the syntax are described in the “Ruleset format” section.
The rules of a loaded ruleset are applied only when the active language matches the language that is specified in the header section of the ruleset. Moreover, a user ruleset can be global in scope, or can be restricted to a block of text marked with a particular tn value (with the <ESC>\tn\ control sequence)
Ruleset format
Ruleset are described in a UTF-8 encoded text file.
In general, a ruleset consists of a header section, followed by a data section. The format of a ruleset is described formally below using the following notation:
Symbol Meaning
{…} Optional part; the part between { and } can be occur once but is not required to.
( … )* The part between ( and ) can be occur more than once.
<…> The part between < and > specifies a variable string constant.
A|B OR part, A is specified or B is specified.
A ruleset can be formally described as:
ruleset :=
Comment lines have the '#' character as the first non-blank character.
A blank line is a line consisting entirely of linear whitespace characters. Using regular expression syntax they can be expressed as:
comment-line := ^\s*#.*\n
blank-line := ^\s*\n
Header Section
The "header" section contains one or more key definitions (the definition of the "language" key is required, see further); each definition can span one line only.
header-section :=
Comment lines and blank lines can be inserted everywhere.
Key definitions have the following syntax:
key-definition :=<key-name> = <key-value><comment>?\n
Blanks (spaces or tabs) before and after the equal sign are optional.
If the key value contains blanks, it must be enclosed in double quotes. If a double quote is needed as part of the value, it needs to be escaped (\"). The actual syntax of the <key-value> depends on the <key-name>.
A <comment> can follow the <key-value>, it lasts until the end of the line.
comment :=#.*$
The only currently supported key names are: “language”, “charset” and “type”. This means that <key-definition> can be expressed semantically as:
key-definition :=<language-definition>|<charset-definition> | <type-definition>
The <language-definition> is required for each header, the value is the 3-letter Vocalizer language code, a language group or the wildcard ‘*’ for specifying all languages. The 3-letter language code is also used to specify the language of user dictionaries, see the Language Codes table above for a list.
Note that the “\*” used in the following syntax specification designates the literal asterisk character “*”, and not a repetition.
language-definition :=
language =
language-code-list := <language-code>(,<language-code>)*
language-code := ENA|ENG|ENU|DUN|FRC|GED|…
language-group := EN\* | DU\* | FR\* | GE\* | …
The <charset-definition> is optional and specifies the character set used for the encoding of the rules. Currently the character set must be UTF-8.
charset-definition :=charset = <charset id> <comment>? \n
charset id :="utf-8"
The type-definition is optional and specifies that the ruleset is scoped to text marked for a particular tn value (with the <ESC>\tn\ control sequence. A ruleset with a type-definition is global.
type-definition := type = <type-name><comment>?\n
The type-name is any non-white-space character sequence, and corresponds to the value of the <ESC>\tn\ control sequence. For example, a user ruleset with a type-name of “financial:stocks” can be accessed using <ESC>\tn=financial:stocks\.
Data Section
The "data" section contains zero or more "rules", a rule can occupy one line only.
data-section :=
Comments can also be inserted at the end of a rule and start with a '#'
character and span till the end of the line.
A rule has the following syntax:
rule := <search-spec> "-->" <replacement-spec> <comment>? \n
The syntax and semantics of the <search-spec> and the <replacement-spec> matches the one of the used regular expression library, being PCRE v5.0, this corresponds with the syntax and semantics of Perl 5. For Perl 5 regular expression syntax, please refer to the Perl regular expressions man page at For a description of PCRE, a free regular expression library, see
For a detailed description, see the "pcrepattern.html" document in the PCRE distribution package.
If markup is being used (in the source and/or replacement pattern), it must be in the native Vocalizer markup format.
Note that special characters and characters with a special meaning need to be escaped.
Some examples are:
- In the search pattern: non-alphanumerical characters with a special meaning like dot(.), asterisk (*), dollar ($), backslash (\) and so on, need to be preceded with a backslash when used literally in a context where they can have a special meaning (e.g. use \* for *). In the replacement spec this applies to characters like dollar ($), backslash (\) and double quote (").
- Control characters like \t (Tab), \n (Newline), \r (Return), etc.
- Character codes: \xhh (hh is the hexadecimal character code, e.g. \x1b for Escape), \ooo (ooo is the octal notation, e.g. \033 for Escape).
- Perl5 also predefines some patterns like “\s” (whitespace) and “\d” (numeric).
For a full description please refer to the Perl5 man pages.
Rule example
/David/ --> "Guru of the month May"
Replaces each occurrence of the string "David" by "Guru of the month May".
In general the format of the search-spec is:
Search-spec := <delimiter> <regular-expression> <delimiter> <modifier>*
<delimiter> is usually '/', but can be any non-whitespace character except for digits, back-slash ('\') and '#'... This facilitates the specification of a regular expression that contains '/', because it eliminates the need to escape the '/'.
<modifier> := [imsx]
Optional modifiers:
- i (search is case-insensitive);
- m (let '^' and '$' match even at embedded newline characters);
- s (let the '.' pattern match even at embedded newline characters, by default '.' matches any arbitrary character, except for a newline);
- x (allows for regular expression extensions like inserting whitespace and comments in <regular-expression>).
The format of the replacement spec is a quoted ("…") string or a non-blank string in case the translation is a single word. It may contain back references of the form $n (n: 1, 2, 3, ...) which refer to the actual match for the n-th capturing subpattern in <search-spec>. E.g. $1 denotes the first submatch. A back reference with a number exceeding the total number of submatches in <search-spec>, is translated into an empty string. A literal dollar sign ($) must be escaped (\$).
Everything following <replacement-spec> and on the same line is considered as comment when starting with '#', else it is just ignored.
Some rule examples
/<NUAN>/ --> "Nuance Communications"
Rewrites "<NUAN>" into "Nuance Communications".
/(Quack)/ --> ($1)
Replaces "Quack" by "(Quack)".
/(Quack)/ --> ($2)
Replaces "Quack" by "()".
/(\s):-\)(\s)/ --> "$1ha ha$2"
Where "\s" matches any whitespace character, $1 corresponds with the matched leading whitespace character and $2 corresponds with the matched trailing whitespace character. This rule rewrites for instance " :-) " into " ha ha ".
/(\r?\n)-{3,} *Begin included message *-{3,}(\r?\n)/ --> "$1Start of included message:$2"
Rewrites for instance ---- Begin included message ---- into Start of included message:
/\x80 ?(\d+)\.(\d{2})\d*/ --> "$1 euro $2 cents"
Rewrites for instance "€9.751" into "9 euro 75 cents".
Restrictions on rulesets
The following restriction applies to rulesets: markers generated while rulesets are loaded have source position fields that represent the position after the rulesets have been applied.
Effect of rulesets on performance
The loading of rulesets can effect synthesis processing performance, increasing latency (time to first audio) and overall CPU use. Certain regular expression patterns are more efficient than others, so it is important to carefully consider pattern efficiency while writing rulesets, and to test the system with and without the rulesets to ensure the performance is acceptable.
E.g. a character class (e.g. "[aeiou]") is more efficient than the equivalent set of alternatives (e.g. "(a|e|i|o|u)").
See the "pcreperform.html" main page of the PCRE package for more details.